US House Opening Investigation Into Whistleblower's UFO Claims
US House Opening Investigation Into Whistleblower's UFO Claims

US House Opening Investigation, Into Whistleblower's UFO Claims. 'Newsweek' reports that a majority of eligible voters in the United States believe that the government knows more about UFOs than the public.

The news comes ahead of a House of Representatives investigation into claims by a former intelligence official who says the U.S. is in possession of non-human vehicles.

'Newsweek' reports that GOP Representatives Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Tim Burchett of Tennessee will lead the investigation.


'Newsweek' reports that GOP Representatives Anna Paulina Luna of Florida and Tim Burchett of Tennessee will lead the investigation.


According to a new poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, just 21% of those polled believe the government does not possess more information regarding UFOs and alien life.

Meanwhile, 57% of respondents said they believed the U.S. was withholding information regarding the matter from the public.

In June, former U.S. Air Force and intelligence officer , David Grusch claimed that authorities were in possession of , "intact and partially intact vehicles" while speaking to 'The Debrief.'.

According to Grusch, information on those recovered vehicles was being withheld from U.S. lawmakers, as well as the general public.

These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed.

, David Grusch, Former U.S. Air Force and intelligence officer, via 'Newsweek' .

'Newsweek' reports that Grusch also accused the government of running a "sophisticated disinformation campaign" to hide information regarding this.

In June, Republican Senator Josh Hawley accused the government of concealing information on unidentified aerial phenomena "for a long, long time.".

In June, Republican Senator Josh Hawley accused the government of concealing information on unidentified aerial phenomena "for a long, long time."