Gigawatt Jiggy: Back to the Future - Mom's Thirst for Marty, Unplugged #martymcfly #backtothefuture
Gigawatt Jiggy: Back to the Future - Mom's Thirst for Marty, Unplugged #martymcfly #backtothefuture

Verse enthusiasts and movie buffs alike!

Welcome to another electrifying Friday evening livestream (7/28/23 - 9:35pm EST/ 6:35PM pac) hosted by The MCU'S Bleeding Edge YT Channel/ Podcast.

This week, we're traveling back in time with a nostalgic nod to the iconic '80s classic "Back to the Future" – a brilliant brew of time travel, historical hilarity, and yes, some questionably close calls with Marty McFly's mother.