Canadian authorities are gearing up for a "Great War" on the remaining alternatives to Big Pharma, alternatives which cannot be patented, precisely because they are natural, and which, in some cases, have shown themselves capable of neutralizing or at least mitigating the harmful effects of the SARS bioweapon and the mRNA shots.
Small wonder that the powerful forces who began developing their ethnically targeted spike weapons some forty years ago (c.f.
Classen and his report on the infiltration of the NIH/NIAD), who have spent billons and billons of black box funding on their refinement, and who have pinned their hopes for the realization of their long-awaited Pseudo-Messianic Next Age and One World Supremacy on their lethal or disabling effects.
The new legislation, which appears to have been passed in Canada at the time of writing, and which is on its way in New Zealand and other countries, would make it prohibitively expensive for producers and suppliers of Natural Health Products to get their products accepted for use, and would also introduce gigantic fines for anyone caught in violation of the new code.
This imminent disaster, which has barely been noticed outside of natural health and alternative treatment circles, is here introduced by Mark Trozzi, and his appeal is followed by an excellent, even extraordinary interview with Canadian lawyer Scott Buckley, who went from defending the sly bureaucrats of Health Canada and their backers to defending Truth when he encountered herbalist Jim Strauss and the revolutionary effects of his heart disease remedies.
At 00:09, Buckley points out that as of 2004, the data showed that people were fourteen TIMES more likely to die of a lightening strike than of a natural health supplement, and that there were NO DEATHS recorded as a result of natural supplements across all the years between 1965 and 2010, yet, in spite of this stunning track record, Health Canada is now making the absurd and harmful choice to engage in a war on natural health products instead of going after Big Pharma, even after the disastrous governmental injection campaign, and even as people are dying almost every day as a direct result of the "jab".
This is yet more proof that THEY want us dead and gone, and that they are using every opportunity they can find to reinforce the walls of their Neo-Communist Kill box.
The story of Jim Strauss and his heart drops comes at c.
00:13, and at 00:30, Buckley talks about the stunningly effective mental health supplement called Empower Plus.