What a wild ride.
I knew that the better you played at #MetalHellsinger the more intense the Rock music played, but the key the Rhythmic FPS is landing your shots to hit the right chords.
They don't call it "Slay to the Beat" for no reason.
Welcome Soul Survivors back to Mind Games where your Control Freak, Inkarnate's got another Scream Stream for you within the bowels of the Inferno.
To answer last week's question, Yes Metal Hellsinger absolutely represents more than just a Doom Clone.
Thus far, I've gotten my hands on the Holy Grail of shooters, the shotgun and even managed to grip my mits on the Dual Wield pistols.
The only thing more boss than the gameplay are the Arena villains I've got to gun down, but I'm up for the challenge.
Therefore, in a game of Monsters and Metal, of Dark Angels and Duel Wield, our aim is to give 'em hell.