Associated Press Issues New Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence
Associated Press Issues New Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Associated Press , Issues New Guidelines for , the Use of Artificial Intelligence.

Associated Press reports that it has issued guidelines stating that artificial intelligence cannot be used for publishable content.


At the same time, the news agency encouraged its staff members to familiarize themselves with the emerging technology.


Our goal is to give people a good way to understand how we can do a little experimentation but also be safe, Amanda Barrett, vice president of news standards and inclusion at AP, via statement.

The guidelines bring AP in line with other news organizations that have imposed new rules on how the quickly-developing field of AI can be used.


According to the Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank, the decision marks a "transitional moment" for news organizations.


The think tank urged other outlets to follow suit and create AI standards that can be shared with readers and viewers.


The think tank urged other outlets to follow suit and create AI standards that can be shared with readers and viewers.


Poynter warned that it is important for consumers to be aware of standards meant to "make sure the content they’re reading, watching and listening to is verified, credible and as fair as possible.".

In issuing its new guidelines, AP said that material produced by artificial intelligence needs to be carefully vetted.


The new policy forbids the use of any photo, video or audio segment generated by AI.


AP reports that some journalists have expressed concerns that AI could replace humans, and the topic has already come under debate in contract talks between the news outlet and its union.