You will learn more here in one day of Word of God studies, then 20 years in a church building feeding you nothing biblically I guarantee you it!
Church starts every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday at 8:30 pm CT (9:30 pm ET, 6:30 pm PT) !!!
Stop wasting your time playing dress up and lusting over women in church and start getting more serious in the Word of God!!!
Just because you playing church every Sunday doesn't make you of Jesus Christ, obedience of God's Word does.... God said man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Jesus Christ)!
We discuss real issues and no one is going to silence me, everyone is invited for open discussion as we take a deep dive into the Holy Scripture's by way of the Holy Spirit!
In these last days we make it possible all over the world to attend something that is going to help your walk with God grow by developing a relationship with your Father (Jesus Christ) who created you!