Lauren Boobert’s Beetlejuice Play Date/Russell Brand Gets #MeToo’d?/Who Is Maren Morris? | 9.18.23
Lauren Boobert’s Beetlejuice Play Date/Russell Brand Gets #MeToo’d?/Who Is Maren Morris? | 9.18.23

Tonight, we discuss the recent US Congresswoman, Lauren “Boobert” Boebert, moment in which she was caught on nightvision video from the audience of a “Beetlejuice” play where her date grabbed her boob and she grabbed his crotch.

The left is yet again clutching their pearls and misrepresenting the facts.

We also talk about the recent hit pieces against political commentator and actor, Russell Brand, in which they are trying to #meetoo him with allegations form like 20 years ago.

Surprise that it’s happening now that he is speaking out against the establishment.

We also discuss Maren Morris leaving country because of the “Trump Years”.

We respond with … “who?” these topics as well as Trump “liking the concept” of a female VP running mate, George Soros gave at least 300K to President Biden's 'TikTok Army' pushing for the President's Reelection, and more.

Should be a great episode tonight!!