The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Barney Greenwald, a skeptical lawyer, reluctantly defends an officer of the navy who took control of the Caine from its captain, Lt.
Philip Francis Queeg (Kiefer Sutherland), while caught in a violent sea storm.
As the court-martial proceeds, however, Greenwald increasingly questions if it was truly a mutiny or rather the courageous acts of a group of sailors who could not trust their unstable leader.
Written and directed by Academy Award-celebrated filmmaker William Friedkin and based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Herman Wouk of the same name.
Directed by William Friedkin starring Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Clarke, Jake Lacy, Monica Raymund, Lewis Pullman, Jay Duplass, Tom Riley, Lance Reddick release date October 6, 2023 (on Paramount Plus with SHOWTIME plan)