Finestkind Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: FINESTKIND tells the story of two brothers (Ben Foster and Toby Wallace), raised in different worlds, who are reunited as adults over a fateful summer.
Set against the backdrop of commercial fishing, the story takes on primal stakes when desperate circumstances force the brothers to strike a deal with a violent Boston crime gang.
Along the way a young woman (Jenna Ortega) finds herself caught perilously in the middle.
Sacrifices must be made and bonds between brothers, friends, lovers, and a father (Tommy Lee Jones) and his son are put to the ultimate test.
Directed by Brian Helgeland starring Ben Foster, Toby Wallace, Jenna Ortega, Tommy Lee Jones, Tim Daly, Clayne Crawford, Aaron Stanford, Scotty Tovar, Lolita Davidovich, Meghan Leathers, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Fernanda Andrade release date December 15, 2023 (on Paramount Plus)