Banking Sector on Brink: March Collapse Looms, George Gammon Explains
Banking Sector on Brink: March Collapse Looms, George Gammon Explains

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, dives deep into the looming financial storm with George Gammon, seasoned investor and macroeconomics expert.

In this riveting Part 2 of the interview, Gammon issues a stark warning: the banking sector teeters on the edge, and the crash could come as early as March next year.

Gammon dissects the intricacies of the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), emphasizing its expiration date and the critical decision facing Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on whether to renew it.

As the financial landscape grows more uncertain, Gammon candidly shares insights into his own portfolio allocation strategies.

Stay tuned for crucial insights that could shape your financial