World Economic Forum Doubles Down On Their Vision For New World Order | Haley Is A Fraud | Ep 675
World Economic Forum Doubles Down On Their Vision For New World Order | Haley Is A Fraud | Ep 675

The world's so-called elite are meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum yet again to talk about their ideas on how to radically change the global makeup with their new world order and the soundbites don't disappoint.

From utilizing A.I for new vaccines to cutting out farming and fishing, to threats of new man made viruses, the insanity never ceases with Klaus Scwab and his evil club.

Plus, as the New Hampshire primary approaches, Nikki Haley was further exposed with one of her biggest donors being Democrat mega donor Reid Hoffman, Pakistan struck targets inside in Iran, the United Airlines CEO may have sunk the company further and Florida is discussing banning the LGBTQ and other non-American flags at schools.