During a packed Ash Wednesday mass, a tragic incident unfolded as a Catholic church balcony collapsed in the Philippines, claiming the life of an elderly woman and injuring 53 others, as reported by local disaster authorities.
The catastrophe occurred during one of the busiest days on the Church calendar, marking the commencement of Lent in the Catholic stronghold of Asia.
Tragically, an 80-year-old woman succumbed to chest injuries sustained in the accident, as confirmed by Gina Ayson, the civil defence chief of San Jose del Monte, located near Manila.
#PhilippinesChurch #ChurchAccident #BalconyCollapse #PrayerTragedy #FatalInjury #InjuredVictims #PhilippinesTragedy #ChurchCollapse #ChurchSafety #AccidentInvestigation #BuildingCollapse #EmergencyResponse #PrayerDisaster #TragicIncident #ChurchEmergency #PhilippinesNews #PrayerInjuries #ChurchCollapseVictims #PhilippinesSafety #PrayerSafety ~PR.152~ED.194~GR.125~HT.96~