Gene DeCode "The Quickening And The Deep Underground Base & Tunnel Wars.."
Gene DeCode "The Quickening And The Deep Underground Base & Tunnel Wars.."

(Note: I like Gene decode, but use your own discernment in his intel and perspective.

I personally believe those portal videos where this guy opens a portal with a sound frequency generator or videos where a different scene can be seen through this so-called portal light ring are fake.

Latest video software can easily do this.

Also, my recent video (re-post) showing these Vril worms are also fake – an insect head glued to a meal-worm.

However, demon controlled reptilian elites, there is a certainly a consistent stream of evidence and disclosed intel.

I know how evil they are.

I have had childhood premonition dreams (or nightmares) involving the moon and what I figure was a future timeline where evil had the means and the will to destroy the earth with the moon.

Like Gene mentions, the cabal would rather destroy all the toys in the sandbox than to share this world and would have no issue destroying it.

I am very confidence that this timeline of destruction was avoided as we will all witness the fall and the destruction of the evil satanic cabal and God-willing will enjoy a new future.

