They Do Not Act Like A Christian!
"You will know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?" - Matthew 7:16 I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised as a Lutheran in Janesville, Wisconsin.
On December 21st 1985, I discovered Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Summit Lighthouse and Summit University Press in Calabasas, California.
That's the real reason why since November 2019, my 2 step sons, 4 step daughters and multiple spouses have been abusing me, my wife, our 15 grandchildren and our family business, The Healing Arts Day Spa.
Collectively, they are actively attacking & & & IAMThatIAM.Art I Hope & I Pray You Choose 2 Positively Participate.
Creatively Yours, I AM That I AM Russell Warren Kukla