LAROY TEXAS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis:The story centers around Ray Jepsen (portrayed by Magaro), the unassuming co-owner of a local hardware store who is bewildered by his luck in marrying the town's former beauty queen, Stacy-Lynn.

Ray's world comes crashing down when his friend Skip (played by Zahn), a private investigator, uncovers Stacy-Lynn's extramarital affair.

Overwhelmed with despair, Ray contemplates suicide.

With a gun in hand, Ray finds himself in a dingy motel parking lot, ready to end his pain.

However, fate intervenes when he's mistakenly identified as a budget hitman by a mysterious individual (a menacing role taken on by Dylan Baker), who hands him an envelope filled with cash along with a target address.

In a twisted attempt to regain his dignity and win back Stacy-Lynn, Ray decides to embark on this unforeseen mission, only to quickly regret not following through with his original plan to end his life.

Starring John Magaro & Steve Zahn, Coming to Digital from 12th April