Them The Scare Trailer HD - Plot Synopsis: THEM will once again be set in Los Angeles -- the first installment, subtitled Covenant, took place in Compton circa 1952 but will move the time frame forward to 1991.
The story centers on LAPD Homicide Detective Dawn Reeve (Deborah Ayorinde), who is assigned to a new case: the gruesome murder of a foster home mother that has left even the most hardened detectives shaken.
Navigating a tumultuous time in Los Angeles, with a city on the razor's edge of chaos, Dawn is determined to stop the killer.
But as she draws closer to the truth, something ominous and malevolent grips her and her family... directed by Craig William Macneill (premiere episode) starring Deborah Ayorinde, Pam Grier, Luke James, Joshua J.
Williams, Jeremy Bobb, Wayne Knight, Carlito Olivero, Charles Brice, Iman Shumpert release date April 25, 2024 (on Prime Video)