LOVE COURAGE AND THE BATTLE OF BUSHY RUN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in 1763, following Britain's victory in the Seven Years’ War, the American Colonies are on the brink of chaos.
Colonel Henry Bouquet, portrayed by Tom Connolly, leads a diverse army of Scottish Highlanders, British soldiers, and American volunteers against the siege led by Ottawa Chief Pontiac at Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania.
With breath-taking battle scenes and powerful performances, this film not only captures the intensity of war but also highlights the human stories and bravery of those who stood at the frontier of history.
Starring: Tom Connolly, Rachele Schank, John Michael Finley, Adam Baldwin, Edward Gelhaus, Jackson Hurst, Chris Mayers, Rachel Hendrix, Julian Curtis, and Delno Ebi.
Directed by: Dave Alan Johnson & Larry A.