Drug Agents pretend to be airline passengers then suddenly stop people boarding, making them believe it's a random secondary TSA search that's required to get on the airplane (it isn't).
Rarely do these agents find drugs, but they do seize passenger money should they find it, even though there is no law against flying domestically with cash on you.
What is ridiculous is the narrative pushed in this report that blacks commit crime at the same rate as other races, yet are racially targeted.
Blacks are 13% of the US population, yet commit over 60% of the crime.
They have more police interactions because they are vastly more likely to be involved in criminal activity compared to other ethnicities.
It is incredibly disingenuous that the reporting here profiles LA, SF and ATL as drug hot spots, but omits the black crime rate completely.
Either way, END THE DRUG WAR!
It's a war on the people!