Tactile Hallucinations
Tactile Hallucinations

A Tactile hallucination is an abnormal or false sensation of touch or perception of movement on the skin, under the skin or inside the body.

The hallucination might range from the strange feeling of something brushing your leg, to something quite substantial and with real substance.

Rather sadly, tactile hallucinations are rarely pleasant.

Sometimes they are excruciatingly painful and unpleasant.

Examples of unpleasant tactile hallucinations include internal organs moving around, stinging of the skin and Formication (with an "m" not "n") - "An hallucination of ants or other insects creeping on or under the skin".

Tactile hallucinations can be caused by both legal pharmaceuticals (and in this video we explore all the different types of "medicine" that has caused tactile hallucinations) and illegal drugs.

They can also be found in those with Brain damage such as that found in schizophrenia, manic depression (bipolar), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Lewy body Dementia, Migraine, and Epilepsy.

And perhaps the strangest cases are found in those with Phantom limb sensation (PLS) - the feeling of a lost body part after traumatic injuries.

It is often painful (PLP) and a common experience among amputees.