Reunion Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Lil Rel Howery (GET OUT), Billy Magnussen (GAME NIGHT), and Jillian Bell (22 JUMP STREET) star in a wild ride of twists and turns where a high school reunion gets cut short by murder.
Trapped in a snowbound mansion, they race to uncover which one of their old classmates is the killer before they're all iced out for good.
Also starring Jamie Chung (GROWN UPS), Michael Hitchcock (VEEP) with Nina Dobrev (SICK GIRL) and Chace Crawford (GOSSIP GIRL).
Available to Buy on Digital Friday, June 28th Featuring: Lil Rel Howery, Billy Magnussen, Jillian Bell, Jamie Chung, Michael Hitchcock with Nina Dobrev and Chace Crawford, & more!