Sheephead From The Cliffs ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ! San Diego, CA
Sheephead From The Cliffs ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ! San Diego, CA

In this video, I ended up fishing the cliffs down here in San Diego, CA!

Also caught a nice California Sheephead c: First time doing some san diego cliff fishing, lots of surprises!

Also caught a Garibaldi, Giant Kelpfish, and ended the day with a dinky Calico Bass.

All catch and release today, might start doing some more catch and cooks soon.

It was a great day of fishing though, no doubt about it.

Definitely need to head back down here and do some more cliff fishing for sure!

I bet fishing along the whole Point Loma Peninsula is good too, just be careful of the marine protected areas!