DNC to Virtually Nominate Biden and Harris
DNC to Virtually Nominate Biden and Harris

DNC to Virtually Nominate , Biden and Harris.

DNC to Virtually Nominate , Biden and Harris.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) will virtually certify the president and vice president as the party's nominees ahead of the Aug.

7 certification deadline in Ohio, ABC News reports.


The Democratic National Committee (DNC) will virtually certify the president and vice president as the party's nominees ahead of the Aug.

7 certification deadline in Ohio, ABC News reports.


The certification will also occur before the DNC's in-person convention beginning Aug.

19 in Chicago.

The DNC will still conduct ceremonial events commemorating the nominations at the convention.

The decision to virtually nominate Biden and Harris was decided before the Ohio Senate met on May 28, questioning whether Biden could "appear on the state's general election ballot in November," ABC News reports.

The decision to virtually nominate Biden and Harris was decided before the Ohio Senate met on May 28, questioning whether Biden could "appear on the state's general election ballot in November," ABC News reports.

DNC Chair Jamie Harrison is confident that Democrats will handle the issue and "land this plane on our own.".

Joe Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio and all 50 states, and Ohio Republicans agree.

But when the time has come for action, they have failed to act every time, so Democrats will land this plane on our own, Jamie Harrison, DNC chair, via statement.

Through a virtual roll call, we will ensure that Republicans can't chip away at our democracy through incompetence or partisan tricks and that Ohioans can exercise their right to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice, Jamie Harrison, DNC chair, via statement.

Mike DeWine, Republican governor of Ohio, chimed in as well.

While I understand the Democratic National Committee has just today proposed a work-around to help get President Biden on the Ohio ballot, it is prudent legislation be passed to get this done.

, Mike DeWine, Ohio governor, via statement.

As I previously said, we do not want to leave something so basic as having the sitting President of the United States on the ballot to others when this can-and should-be done legislatively.

It's the right thing to do.

, Mike DeWine, Ohio governor, via statement.

For these reasons, it is important that a bill or multiple bills that accomplish these common-sense measures come to my desk right away this week.

It's the right thing to do, Mike DeWine, Ohio governor, via statement