"WHO Update, Klaus Retires, Net Neutrality" ft Noor Bin Ladin & Harrison Smith 6/3/24
"WHO Update, Klaus Retires, Net Neutrality" ft Noor Bin Ladin & Harrison Smith 6/3/24

Big night back from the weekend as we are paid a visit by Noor Bin Ladin ( https://noorbinladin.substack.com/ ) in the first half to discuss her latest work on the WHO updates, Klaus Schwab's 'retirement', and whatever else is cooking on her side of the pond.

In the second half we have a debut appearance by Harrison Smith ( https://americanjournal.bio.link/ ), who is in a position give us some first-hand accounts of this weekend's drama at Infowars, where the feds were apparently very close to shutting down and liquidating the studio.

Somewhere in the mix will be a read through of a 2017 thread on Net Neutrality which is pivotal for understanding the FULL media censorship aspect of the war.