Ep. 164 – End Game: Fauci
Ep. 164 – End Game: Fauci

In a riveting revelation, Dale and Kaysha Richardson dive into the explosive U.S. Congressional hearings with Dr. Anthony Fauci, challenging the very foundation of the nation's pandemic response.

Their meticulously crafted engineering report, brimming with technical evidence, casts a stark light on potential oversights, shaking the official narratives to their core.

The stakes skyrocketed as they handed this critical evidence to Rep.

Lauren Boebert on May 24, 2024, fueling demands for unyielding transparency and accountability.

This high-stakes drama unfolds against the backdrop of a powerful letter from congressional committees to DNI Avril Haines, spotlighting dire concerns of foreign meddling in U.S. elections.

The convergence of these seismic issues—public health policies, election integrity, and national security—demands an unflinching investigative lens, as the very fabric of America's democracy and welfare hangs in the balance.