Hilarious: Joni Ernst Nails Biden With What May Be Best Hot Mic Moment Ever
Hilarious: Joni Ernst Nails Biden With What May Be Best Hot Mic Moment Ever

Joe Biden was given a border under control.

But after he came in, he immediately enacted executive orders undoing everything former President Donald Trump had done to keep order.

Now, as the election looms and Biden's prospects are bleak, particularly when it comes to the border, he's trying to make a move by EO despite saying for some time that he needed Congress to act.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said from what they know, it's a mess.

“From what we’re hearing, it will ignore multiple elements that have to be addressed, the elements that were in our legislation that we passed over 14 months ago to fix the broken asylum program, to fix the broken parole process, to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy, to end the catch and release policy that they’ve advanced,” Johnson said, in reference to the GOP-led border crackdown legislation passed more than a year ago.

The legislation, titled H.R.

2, was dead on arrival in the Democratic-controlled Senate.