Iowa Talk Guys #108 Road to War Update: Conscription, Blood Lust, & Sewage Balloons
Iowa Talk Guys #108 Road to War Update: Conscription, Blood Lust, & Sewage Balloons

Originally aired on June 2, 2024.

On this Road to War Update, The Talk Guys start off with news that the US Congress is looking for a way to automate the sign-up for Selective Services in the US.

This will eventually lead to all men, 18–25, being automatically signed up for a draft if war in Europe breaks out.

Other countries, including Denmark, the UK, and Australia, have also had talks about bringing back conscription.

Victoria Nuland is now freelancing as a strategic advisor, and it seems that her thirst for blood is unquenchable.

The Talk Guys also discuss the $320 million US military project in Gaza, that floated off into the Mediterranean Sea, and the IDF operation in Rafah.

Finally, more bridges are being destroyed in Ukraine, and North Korea dropped balloons with bags of feces on South Korea.