John Brisson & Dustin Nemos: WTF Are WE Even Looking At?
John Brisson & Dustin Nemos: WTF Are WE Even Looking At?

My firm position is the Old Testament is NOT a historical reference book.

It's not the word of God because that's not how it works, so the entire premise is invalid, and it wasn't divinely inspired.

It was greedily and ambitiously inspired.

I see it as a work of Magicians, witches, sorcerers... And later, the merchants and thieves.

The Cutthroats of the road would write themselves into the story and create characters never written of before.

This is a grimoire at best, a list of crimes by the Demiurge and His chosen bastards at worst.

Those whose soul was offered to Kronos-Saturn-Yaldabaoth.

I'm here to get into it with John Brisson and Dustin Nemos today.

Haters out there, this is going to give you caca pants.