"A Home For God" - Is. 66:1 - Part 1 - (www.reallife7.org)
"A Home For God" - Is. 66:1 - Part 1 - (www.reallife7.org)

Throughout the ages of mankind, God has ordained dwelling places to be with His people.

It started in the Garden of Eden, but tragically, that ended when Adam and Eve sinned and blew it for the human race.

But God didn't stop in His quest for a home with His creation.

The Tabernacle came next...then Solomon's Temple.....then the Temple in Jesus' day......and finally, the Holy Spirit came to make God's home in man's heart once "whosoever will" repented and believed on Jesus.

The finality of this theme of God will end when we are in our perfect home with Him one day.....HEAVEN