Art Talk Ep. 6 - Talking with Rumble Artist ChaosInRoswell
Art Talk Ep. 6 - Talking with Rumble Artist ChaosInRoswell

Hosted by artists Michael Keane and Moses J.

Buffaloboy, the Art Talk Podcast is a show dedicated to talking about all things related to art, creativity, and craft, available exclusively on Rumble.

In this Art Talk I sit down with artist ChaosInRoswell.

He is a fellow artist and creator on Rumble, as well as the producer of the Matt Kohrs show on Rumble.

I am super impressed by his ability to whip out high quality digital assets like thumbnails and graphics.

We've chatted a bunch and I have been looking forward to sitting down and learning more about him.

I want to talk to him about his art practices and the things he does here on Rumble, and learn more about him and his relationship to art, music, creativity, and whatever else.

Join up on the conversation and check out the links below for everything involved!