System Shock Anniversary LiveScream - 3 Years of Mind Games
System Shock Anniversary LiveScream - 3 Years of Mind Games

Your Control Freak, Inkarnate invites you to a special Mind Games LiveScream.

I am not just back at System Shock, but have brought Shodan along with me to celebrate 3 Years of Survival Horror livestreams. It's a tale to be told and a sight to behold but I have very much enjoyed exploring the vast library of titles on the gaming flipside of the Horror genre.

On tap for tonight, I am continuing my journey through Citadel Station.

I have made contact with the seemingly all-power, but certainly all-present SHODAN rogue AI.

Witnessing the aftermath of her hostile take over of the station, the bodies strewn, the mutated enemies, the cyborg abominations, the audio logs, is every bit as harrowing as if I had been here first-hand to experience her seizure of power.

I've thankfully armed up to advanced weaponry because I'm going to need every bullet and bolt to lay waste to the horrors that SHODAN has converted the crew into.

It's the 3 year anniversary of Mind Games so what say we give this computer bitch a piece of My Mind.