Macron Says He Won’t Resign, ‘Whatever the Result’ of France’s Election
Macron Says He Won’t Resign, ‘Whatever the Result’ of France’s Election

Macron Says He Won’t Resign, , ‘Whatever the Result’ of France’s Election.

On June 11, the French president said he won't resign, no matter what happens in the upcoming parliamentary elections, Politico reports.


He called the election on June 9 after a huge win by the National Rally in the European election, adding pressure to his administration.


He called the election on June 9 after a huge win by the National Rally in the European election, adding pressure to his administration.


It’s not the National Rally that writes the Constitution nor the spirit of it, Emmanual Macron, president of France, via interview with 'Le Figaro Magazine'.

The institutions are clear, and so is the place of the president, whatever the result, Emmanual Macron, president of France, via interview with 'Le Figaro Magazine'.

Macron went on to warn voters against assuming that the far-right party will be victorious in the parliamentary election since it uses a different voting system.

The first round of voting for the parliamentary election will take place on June 30.

A second round will occur on July 7.

Politics is dynamic.

I’ve never believed in polls.

The decision I have taken opens a new era.

, Emmanual Macron, president of France, via interview with 'Le Figaro Magazine'.

A new campaign begins, and we should look at the scores for each constituency in the light of those for the European elections, Emmanual Macron, president of France, via interview with 'Le Figaro Magazine'.

Meanwhile, credit agencies and experts caution that France's unstable political climate and potential National Rally victory could derail the country's efforts to slash public debt