Voters Don’t Think Kamala Harris Could Win an Election as Democratic Nominee, Survey Finds
Voters Don’t Think Kamala Harris Could Win an Election as Democratic Nominee, Survey Finds

Voters Don’t Think Kamala Harris Could Win , an Election as Democratic Nominee, Survey Finds.

Amid speculation about Biden's advanced age, Harris has previously said she's ready to be president "if necessary." .

Amid speculation about Biden's advanced age, Harris has previously said she's ready to be president "if necessary." .

But what if she received a Democratic presidential candidate nomination?.

According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released on June 12, .

Only a third of voters think Vice President Harris could win an election as a Democratic presidential nominee, 'The Hill' reports.


14% of voters thought her chances of becoming president would be very likely.

While 20% think she'd be only somewhat likely to win.

37% said it's not at all likely that she would win.


Meanwhile, 21% said they'd want Harris to be the Democratic nominee if Biden wasn't running.

10% said they'd prefer Gavin Newsom, and another 10% would support Pete Buttigieg.

10% said they'd prefer Gavin Newsom, and another 10% would support Pete Buttigieg.

Over 40% were unsure or indifferent.


The poll also determined "that 42% have a very unfavorable impression" of both Harris and Biden, 'The Hill' reports