Buckle up for an exciting ride into Biblical prophecy!
The Bible is filled with many references to different kinds of resurrections and judgements of God, and there are differing views on what those passages actually mean.
Some believe that Jesus will return, raise all Christian bodies from the grave, the believers in renewed bodies will rule and reign on earth for 1,000 years; others believe the resurrection is spiritual.
The "Resurrection of the Dead" (tâchiyat hameitim in Hebrew) is a core doctrine of traditional Jewish theology.
Traditional Jews believe that during what they call the "Messianic Age", the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, the Jewish people will gather from the corners of the earth then the bodies of the dead will be brought to life and reunited with their souls.
It is not entirely clear whether only Jews, or all people, are expected to be resurrected at this time according to their theology.
In this episode, we will take a deep dive into what first-century Jews (and later Christians) believed about the Resurrection, which inevitably ties into The Judgement.
You've been waiting for this episode for a long time.
Here we go!
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