The Saint & The Sinner vs. Tommy Sotomayor: THE DEBATE!
The Saint & The Sinner vs. Tommy Sotomayor: THE DEBATE!

The great debate!

Longtime and hugely controversial social media personality Tommy Sotomayor finds himself in the crosshairs (yet again!) for his conduct during a recent appearance on the popular Fresh & Fit show.

Brandon Jamal, who's "Now You're A Single Mom" song has gone massively viral, was also present on Fresh & Fit and things didn't go well; he was "Frank Castled" off the show, and Sotomayor now finds himself at the center of yet another controversy, particularly with his real time debate with The Saint & The Sinner.

The Saint argues, that Sotomayor, as a kind of "elder statesman" of the Black Manosphere, should have conducted himself a lot differently during the Brandon Jamal affair - even going so far as to suggest and accuse Sotomayor of being "unmanly" in talking about Jamal after his ouster.

Sotomayor for his part, pleads his innocence - saying that he had no idea that Jamal would be present, nor was he familiar with him.

Who's wrong?

Who's right?

We'll talk about it TODAY, ONLY on RUMBLE!