The Truth About Trump and the National Guard on J6
The Truth About Trump and the National Guard on J6



Keith Kellogg served as a National Security Advisor in the Trump administration and he was also in the room in the moments leading up to and after January 6th.

Stigall walks him through the truth of that day, and why he says the National Guard was, in fact called to be there but it was ignored.

It's bothersome to put it mildly.

So is the news met with a collective shoulder shrug that Russia sent a nuclear submarine into Cuban waters with no response from Washington.

Stigall asks Kellogg - what is going on and should we be more concerned?

Also, E.J.

Antoni from the Heritage Foundation talks about an interesting new project led by conservatives to be ready on day one if Republicans are victorious this fall.

And an important discussion about the economy through the prism of "haves and have nots" Stigall thinks is key to understanding the disconnect in conversation.

And Trump floats another huge economic idea while meeting with Capitol Hill Republicans.