House Passes New Draft Bill/Trump V Biden Debate Rules REVIEW w/ ProfessorSavageDad | 6.17.24
House Passes New Draft Bill/Trump V Biden Debate Rules REVIEW w/ ProfessorSavageDad | 6.17.24

Tonight, we have a special guest co-host, our good friend, ProfessorSavageDad!!

Tonight, we discuss: Mic Muting, Podiums, and No Pre-Written Notes: Biden and Trump Campaigns Agree on Rules Ahead of CNN Debate; New York Governor Kathy Hochul is Considering Banning Face Masks on the NYC Subway Due to Recent Antisemitic Incidents; House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men and Women for the Draft; Texas Democratic Candidate Charged for Allegedly Faking Racist Social Media Attacks Against Himself.

Should be a great show!!