Int 812 with Salini Teri Apodaca a Reikimaster best-selling author and Sacred Alchemist
Int 812 with Salini Teri Apodaca a Reikimaster best-selling author and Sacred Alchemist

Salini Teri Apodaca is a Reikimaster, best-selling author, Sacred Alchemist, Spiritual Teacher and Divine Mother.

Salini comes from a long lineage of powerful Goddesses, Mystics and Healers and has experienced many initiations into healing and light work.

She was trained as a healer from birth by her mother, Eulalia Mae, and Reiki Grandmaster Hawayo Takata, who mentored and healed her for 2 decades.

Salini also experienced initiation into shadow work through trauma-based mind control & sex slavery in the MK-Ultra program by her Mason father.