Israel Under Hezbollah Attack: 18 Casualties Rock IDF's Plan |Did Iron Dome Fail To Stop New Blitz?
Israel Under Hezbollah Attack: 18 Casualties Rock IDF's Plan |Did Iron Dome Fail To Stop New Blitz?

The Israeli military has reported that 18 of its soldiers were wounded, including one seriously, following a drone attack carried out by the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement in the occupied Golan Heights.

The announcement, made via Israel’s Army Radio on its X account, detailed that the casualties resulted from the explosion of a drone launched from southern Lebanon by Hezbollah.

In a subsequent statement, Hezbollah confirmed targeting the headquarters of Israel's 91st Brigade, situated north of the occupied territories.

This attack was framed as a retaliatory measure in response to ongoing Israeli strikes against Hezbollah positions.

#IsraelUnderAttack #HezbollahStrike #IDFCasualties #IronDomeFailure #MiddleEastConflict #GolanHeights #HezbollahRetaliation #MilitaryTensions #IsraelDefenseForces #DroneAttack #LebanonConflict #WarZone #IDFResponse #MilitaryNews #SecurityCrisis ~HT.97~PR.152~ED.194~