BOMBSHELL: Judge Merchan DELAYS Trump Sentencing – Case on Verge of COLLAPSE After Immunity Ruling!
BOMBSHELL: Judge Merchan DELAYS Trump Sentencing – Case on Verge of COLLAPSE After Immunity Ruling!

In today’s Trish Regan Show LIVE: I’m all over the newest development in the cases against Donald Trump.

Already, Judge Merchan announced a kdelay in sentencing!

It comes just as Trump’s attorneys move to get the cases against him thrown out of court.

The reality is this: much COULD be thrown out.

The court already ruled Jack Smith was over his skis in his application of an arcane Sarbanes Oxley law to implicate protestors on Capitol Hill — and, it may be determined that Trump has considerable immunity from all other charges brought against him as well.

We’ll discuss.