In Exodus 29, YHWH explains to Moshe how He wishes Aaron the priest, and his sons, to serve as priests in the 'Mishkan' or Holy Presence.
In the Hebrew and the Geneva Bible, the priest must always engage in 'consecration' or 'sanctification' of himself, his body and clothing, because he is human.
In the RSV, this 'holy-ifying' is mistranslated as 'ordination'.
But Exodus 29 really does not describe 'ordination' at all.
Also notable in the Geneva Bible is the fact that the priest sits outside the Tent of Meeting to eat his portion of the sacrificial meat and bread - among the people, transparently.
The RSV also describes the priests' portion as 'due' from the Children of Israel, as if it's a tax, whereas in Hebrew, it's an 'offering'.
Priests are humans like anyone else, not vested themselves in supernatural authority, but rather they are servants of supernatural authority.