Covid vaccines: 38X stillbirths, 57X miscarriages, 1200X menstrual abnormalities says James Thorp MD
Covid vaccines: 38X stillbirths, 57X miscarriages, 1200X menstrual abnormalities says James Thorp MD

Comparing COVID-19 vaccine adverse events with Flu vaccine adverse events, we found a 38-fold increase in fetal death or stillbirths, a 57-fold increase in miscarriages, and a 1200-fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities.

We found 15 other major pregnancy complications [ among women who took the COVID-19 vaccine.

] “Pushing these COVID vaccines… is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine,” James Thorpe, MD (OBGYN) tells Tucker Carlson on 23 Feb 2023.