Paula Mosher Wallace
Paula Mosher Wallace

Paula Mosher Wallace was born in Peru to missionary parents.

Raped at 5, Paula was caught in a cycle of damage.

From sexual abuse to later mental, emotional and even spiritual abuse, Paula developed a victim mentality, which fueled decades of continued abuse, causing her to develop psychosomatic illnesses which, at times, left her bed-ridden.

Broken beyond endurance and suicidal, Paula cried out to God for help.

He miraculously intervened, faithfully walking with her through a dramatic healing process.

Paula’s passion to help others resulted in her writing Bloom in the Dark, a compilation of true stories shared by women who went through personal darkness and abuse.

Each story tells how God met, healed, and restored an ex-victim.

Readers discover that they are not alone and that there is lasting hope and healing!

Through the ministry of Bloom in The Dark, Paula focuses on writing and speaking to female abuse victims, raising awareness about abuse, bringing hope to victims, and partnering with ministries to help victims recover.