Netanyahu Says Attack on Yemen Attack a Warning to Enemies | ‘No Place Israel Can’t Reach’
Netanyahu Says Attack on Yemen Attack a Warning to Enemies | ‘No Place Israel Can’t Reach’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a stark warning to Israel's adversaries following a significant airstrike on a Houthi-controlled port in Yemen.

Netanyahu asserted that the attack demonstrates Israel's reach and resolve, declaring, “There is no place that the long arm of Israel will not reach.” #Yemen #Houthis #AxisOfResistance #Netanyahu #Houthis #Hezbollah #YemenHitsBack #HouthisHitBack #YemenHouthisIsraelAttack #IsraeliTargets #Eilat #BallisticMissiles #MissileStrike #RedSea #IsraeliDefense #Arrow3 #YemeniAttack #RegionalTensions #MissileInterception #SecurityAlert #MiddleEastConflict #SirensActivated