It Appears System 76’s CEO Had X Shadowban Me to Prevent My Pointing LibsOfTikTok In Their Direction
It Appears System 76’s CEO Had X Shadowban Me to Prevent My Pointing LibsOfTikTok In Their Direction

On X, I made it clear in a post to System 76 and in a reply to its CEO on a Lunduke Report post my distaste for their Cosmic project manager being for the grooming of children troon.

I also told them to prepare to be the Bud Light of FOSS as well.

Along with making it clear I was going to point LibsOfTikTok in their direction in regards to the one to System76.

Almost instantly after I posted my reply to the CEO, all of a sudden I was completely and totally shadowbanned on X.

This is when I am a paid basic subscriber that is supposed to have at least some of my posts promoted which is impossible now.