Masters Mahan Podcast: Armageddon Programming: An Analysis of The Catcher in The Rye
Masters Mahan Podcast: Armageddon Programming: An Analysis of The Catcher in The Rye

If you are one of those who can't help but wonder what in the world is happening to our communities right now, you should know that in part it is due to decades of spell casting that is starting to "come true” worldwide, including in the Middle East.

While we support the Jewish right to gather in the land of Israel, we do not support ramping up for war on either side.

One of the major spells that has been cast on American Christians is the spell that they must be true to Jewish plans and plots at any cost in order to be true to the Bible.

Anything less is anti-shemitism.

This is a spell, so you had better wake up because Christianity’s God has declared, “Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called the true children of God.” The rest are but dogs and sinners at the gate.