HAUNTOLOGY Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Hauntology is a feature-length horror anthology, with a story that follows 11-year-old Venus (they/them) and their older sister Jazmin (she/her).
Jazmin sees Venus wheeling a suitcase on the sidewalk and stops to make Venus a deal.
If Venus will listen to all of Jazmin's ghost stories, and still wants to run away after, Jazmin won't stop them.
However, if Venus gets scared, they have to go back home.
A horror road trip begins, as Jazmin takes Venus to four very haunted places.
Each spot they visit has its own ghost story and unique queer perspective.
What Venus doesn't know is Jazmin has an agenda of her own for the night.
The two will ultimately find themselves face-to-face with the most notorious ghost in town.
Hauntology is written and directed by genre filmmaker Parker Brennon.