Skies of Arcadia (Part 6) - Sega Saturday
Skies of Arcadia (Part 6) - Sega Saturday

Join us for Part 6 of our Skies of Arcadia (Sega DreamCast) Journey!

Last Time on Skies of Arcadia: Vyse, Aika, Fina and Prince Enrique pick up in the East lands of Yafutoma.

We ventured to Mount Kazai, Blasted Bluheim, the Blue Gigas, out of the skies and obtained the Blue Moonstone.

After a Coup on the King, We found the excommunicated Prince and saved the kingdom.

Our base, Crescent Island, has undergone some upgrades as well as the Delphinus Ship.

We broke through the ice in the south and found Glacia.

After being quizzed on the color purple we found Drachma who was making peace with the Dying Rahknam.

As the Purple Gigas passed away we obtained the Purple Moonstone.

Today we will pick back up in search of the last two stones, Yellow and Silver.