LITTLE BROTHER Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Little Brother is the story of two estranged brothers, Jake (Daniel Diemer) & Pete Duffy (Philip Ettinger), who embark on a road trip together from Albuquerque to Seattle.

Pete has just attempted suicide for the umpteenth time in his life, and his overbearing parents (Academy Award-winner J.K.

Simmons and Polly Draper) have recruited Jake to drive Pete from his home in New Mexico to Washington State for a family intervention.

The brothers are at once uneasy friends and sworn rivals and have a long and complicated history.

These two are not just oil and water, they're fire and gasoline.

And they're both crammed inside a busted-up van for 1,400 miles with nowhere to hide.

Little Brother is written and directed by American indie filmmaker Sheridan O'Donnell.