Union Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In 2022, workers at an Amazon warehouse in Staten Island, sick and tired of the lack of job stability from a company notorious for constant worker turnover, made headlines after the newly formed Amazon Labor Union voted to unionize.
For their absorbing documentary, Brett Story & Stephen Maing follow the day-to-day struggles of the ALU, made up of current and former employees, including the charismatic and indefatigable leader Chris Smalls, and capture the events that led to this remarkable—but by no means conclusive—historic moment in modern history.
The result is an immersive cinematic portrait celebrating solidarity while acknowledging the difficult decisions & internal conflicts that make any collective action possible—especially when up against a corporate goliath in a post-Reagan era when worker organizations have become political anathema.
Union is co-directed by two filmmakers Brett Story (Land of Destiny, The Prison in Twelve Landscapes, The Hottest August) & Stephen Maing (Crime + Punishment, "Mind/Trip"), making their first feature film together.
It's produced by Samantha Curley, Martin Dicicco, Stephen Maing, Brett Story, Mars Verrone.