India's Diplomatic Tightrope: Navigating Global Oil Price Surges Amid Geopolitical Unrest | OneIndia
India's Diplomatic Tightrope: Navigating Global Oil Price Surges Amid Geopolitical Unrest | OneIndia

In this video, OneIndia's Pankaj Mishra interviews Ravi Srivastava, Former Chief Manager at HPCL, to explore the geopolitical dynamics driving global oil prices.

The discussion focuses on India’s diplomatic efforts, particularly with Russia, to stabilize oil imports during global crises and their influence on inflation.

Srivastava sheds light on the oil industry, fuel subsidies, and the Modi government’s approach to balancing price stability with broader economic challenges.

#OilPrices #IndiaRussiaRelations #FuelSubsidies #GlobalEnergyCrisis, #PM Modi